Friday, December 19, 2008

new york nwe yker

shey guysssssss

here is to make up for al the sober times! aya!

so zuzy geuess what? andro qwrotew back ya, after new years, we be setting up time to tchat! twoot. ok i love he guys upstairs, tey are super fun. i dont know aht to write about except that there is snow and it si cold. 

i miss eversony so much.!!!! 

lots amd lots fo snowy ove and i dunno i am sleepy bbut we are ordering ood. my sister got us kickec out of the cfist caba ecuiz she calle dhte guy an assole ahahhahahahahhhahaha., he was, and now time for good and gpepepe. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm telling

big_K got drunk and didn't post anything. I say we mutiny!

Monday, November 24, 2008


the wouldve been drunk post


I am tired of putting forks in my lunch box because when I carry it I smoosh it up against my hip and the fork pokes into the cheap vinyl on the inside and makes holes. Should my salad dressing ever leak, my whole lunchbox insulation will smell like balsamic vinaigrette for ever and ever amen.

Note: Contrary to popular belief, you do not get the Cadillac of lunch boxes for $5.99 at Target.

Monday, November 17, 2008

What's the topci?

I feel like we're slackikgn. Im drunk and I dont have a topic for discussion. Im making one now. The topic is: the secret life of sarah palin. go.